Extraordinary's Network

Extraordinary runs its own fully redundant diverse fibre connection BGP4 network (AS30827) on Juniper carrier grade routers with direct connectivity to LINX and Tier-1 networks.  In the event of one Internet route failing, traffic is automatically rerouted via alternative routes. 

Extraordinary is a member of RIPE -the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) for Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East - responsible for IP and AS allocations. 


The London Internet Exchange (LINX) is one of the largest Internet exchange points in the world. Extraordinary has been a member of LINX in London since 2007. 

We also connect in Edinburgh to LINX Scotland for local peering within Scotland.

Our Tier-1 Upstream Networks


Formerly known as Lumen, Level(3) and Centurylink, Colt's network spans more than 60 countries across North America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and the Asia Pacific region with extensive undersea facilities. It stretches 450,000 route miles of fiber, reaching 500 core network markets and approximately 170 metro markets.


NTT's Tier-1 global IP network spans the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania on a single AS (2914). NTT operates the largest Transpacific network.


Formerly known as Telia, Aerilion serves customers in 125 countries, our 75,000 km fiber backbone spans North America, Europe and Asia.


Benefits of connecting directly to some of the largest Tier-1 internet providers

Fewer Network 'Hops'
Less need to connect through a variety of networks -hence fewer potential points of failure- and increased availability of more direct routes.

Greater Capacity
The largest networks have larger quantities of bandwidth capacity available. They are less prone to performance problems and can cope more easily with network attacks or disruption.

Faster Data Throughput
High capacity networks enable your data to travel faster, resulting in faster download speeds.

Increased Diversity of Routes
Large global networks have much greater capability to re-route traffic through alternative cities should one location experience internet congestion.